GLE200 Twentieth Century: Global Approach
Examines the twentieth century, an era that has been characterized by change. This includes change in political boundaries, technological capability, response to religion, philosophy and the arts, and change in how people think. The course examines some of the major events of the century from different perspectives, in order to try and gain understanding of the period and its change. The goals of the course include: a fundamental understanding of the major events that shaped the century; a sense of the sources of contemporary problems; exposure to artistic and cultural developments and their historical context; the development of a chronological sense of the century; and an extension of the world view beyond ethnocentric limitations. Addresses GLE Learning Outcomes Humanities, Critical Thinking and Intercultural Knowledge.
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Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
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(800) 325-1090
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.