PUBH202 Introduction to Global Health
his course will explore major global health issues emphasizing a multidisciplinary approach to understanding global health challenges as they occur both within and outside the borders. The course will examine global health from social, behavioral, economic, political, cultural, and environmental perspectives. The course covers the language of global health along with topics such as socioeconomic determinants of health, chronic diseases and aging, environmental context of health, infectious diseases, major global initiatives for disease prevention and health promotion, global nutrition, mental health, culture and health, health systems and inequity, globalization and health, and global health progress and priorities. Emphasis will be placed on primary prevention, as well as the management of patients with health conditions. Addresses GLE Learning Outcomes Social Sciences (SS), Information Literacy (IL), and Inquiry and Analysis (IA).
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(800) 437-0048
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
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(800) 325-1090
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.