New England Center for Civic Life
The New England Center for Civic Life is an academic institute dedicated to fostering and teaching the practices of deliberative democracy. Our mission is to help students develop a more effective public voice, communicate across differences, and cultivate the commitment, knowledge, and skills for active participation in public life. Engaging in deliberative practices encourages students to become active producers of knowledge because they are put into situations that ask them to think critically, listen attentively, work collaboratively, value diversity, and publicly voice their ideas. Because explicit links are made between personal experiences and current ethical and social issues, many begin to see closer connections between their own lives and public life.
The Center works collaboratively with communities, civic groups, and institutions of higher education to develop initiatives and provide resources needed to achieve these goals.
Through participating in courses and programming supported by the Center, students will have the opportunity to:
- Learn the theory and practices associated with deliberative democracy;
- Develop effective leadership, citizenship, and collaborative problem-solving skills;
- Enhance their capacity for critical thinking and effective communication;
- Create frameworks for constructive dialogue through researching and writing discussion guides on issues they have identified as important to them;
- Convene and moderate public forums on and off campus on a range of topics;
- Participate in workshops sponsored by the Center, including the Civic Scholar program and the annual Moderator Training Institute.
For further information regarding the New England Center for Civic Life, contact Dr. Jed Donelan, NECCL Director, (603) 899-1019 or