Professor: Shallee T. Page
Assistant Professor: Morris E. Jones, Shannon Stroble
A minor is offered in Chemistry.
The mission of the Chemistry minor is to strengthen the laboratory science credentials of students enrolled in Biology, Health Sciences, and Environmental Science, Criminal Justice, or Education Certification programs.
The minor is designed to engage students in an active learning environment that enhances their understanding and appreciation for the study of chemistry and of science in general. An active learning environment is offered both in the lecture, through the use of hands-on learning activities and interactive classroom demonstrations, and in the lab via guided inquiry laboratory investigations utilizing modern analytical instrumentation.
Minor Requirements
The Chemistry minor is made up of five required courses plus one elective in Chemistry:
CH101–102 General Chemistry I and II (laboratory)
CH211–212 Organic Chemistry I and II (laboratory)
CH312 Quantitative Analysis
CH___ Elective