Course Withdrawal Policy
Students have the option of withdrawing from a course after the add/drop period ends until:
- 60% or the end of the 10th week of classes in a 15-week semester
- 60% or the end of the 7th week of classes in a 12-week term
- 60% or the end of the 5th week of classes in an 8-week term
- 60% or the end of the 4th week of classes in a 6-week term
Students are required to complete a Student Initiated Course Withdrawal form when withdrawing from a course. In order to understand the full impact of withdrawing from the course, students must communicate with and obtain signatures from the course instructor, their academic advisor(s) and Student Financial Services prior to submitting the withdrawal form to the Office of the Registrar. Athletes are required to obtain a signature from their coach and NCAA compliance officer.
A grade of W will be recorded on the student’s permanent record as a result of this action. The W will not affect the student’s grade point average. After the withdrawal period, students must receive a letter grade for the course as assigned by the course instructor. This grade will be recorded on the student’s official academic record and will be included in the student’s grade point average. Students may be withdrawn from a course at any time after add/drop if the student’s presence or absence is detrimental to the learning environment.
If this removal takes place after the withdrawal deadline, then the instructor must issue a letter grade. Students who are withdrawn by the instructor will be notified in writing and will have the opportunity to appeal. Appeal guidelines will be communicated to the student at the time of withdrawal.
When faced with an extreme non-disciplinary situation, the administration may require a student to withdraw from a course. In these rare instances, the student will receive an AW or a letter grade as per the parameters as noted above.
Note: All withdrawn courses count as attempted credits.