Incomplete (I) and In Progress (IP) Grades
A grade of Incomplete (I) may be awarded when the student has been prevented from completing a course as a result of illness, family tragedy, or other extenuating circumstances, at the instructor’s discretion. Completion of the course must be arranged between the instructor and the student. An Incomplete is not figured into the student’s grade average at the time it is given.
The instructor will post a default* letter grade to accompany the Incomplete (IB, IC, ID or IF).
For incomplete grades awarded at the end of the semester, the student will have a maximum of thirty calendar days (an earlier date may be specified by the instructor) after the start of the next semester to complete the course. The instructor has thirty-five calendar days after the start of that semester to submit the grade change form to the Office of the Registrar.
For incomplete grades awarded at the end of a term, the student will have until the end of the following term (an earlier date may be
specified by the instructor) to complete the course.
The instructor has three calendar days to submit the grade change form to the Office
of the Registrar. If a grade change form has not been submitted by this time, the
default letter grade will replace the Incomplete.
Note: Students who receive an incomplete grade are not eligible for Dean’s Honors
or Dean’s List for the semester/term in which the grade is received.
A grade of In Progress (IP) may be awarded for a limited number of predetermined courses which, by their nature, take more than one semester to complete. Completion of the course must be arranged between the instructor and the student. An IP is not figured into the student’s grade average at the time it is given.
The instructor will post a default* letter grade to accompany the IP (IPA, IPB, IPC, IPD or IPF). The student will have up to the end of the next full semester/term to complete the course. If a grade change form has not been submitted by this time, the default letter grade will replace the IP.
A student who receives this grade at the end of the semester may become eligible for Dean’s List honors when the coursework has been completed and the final grade is posted.
*The default grade reflects what the student would earn as a final grade if no more work is turned in to complete the course. The default grade will become the final grade posted only if no grade change form is submitted by the faculty by the stated deadline.